Thursday, November 21, 2013

Selections From 
 September 1984 to August 1985


No music touches
the inside of knowing You.
I even welcome the
frustrations of
how frail I am

because on a grim morning
like this

You scoop up my flavors
and cake me
into, I hope, 
a humble pie of
edible praises.

New Drawings In Sound 
The RobloDrummers of Rubolio

Music makes a
nother reality.

Sonoric ribbons of noise,
layered from sharp to soft
from loud to vacant
from tall pools up-spilling 
oceans of musorium
to down-scale droplets of
percussive paradiddles,
transitory, nebulous,
trittle-worthy and
vast in tonality but
difficult to embrace
without a pair of
Gluzonic Glagg-Bobs.
(Ear Plugs)

Sound preposterous?

Then you've never heard
 of the fabled 
Rublo-Droommers of 
Clashton, Robolioo.

Neither have I.

But here's a picture.

         B  O  R  N     A  G  A  I  N

Caught a slice of
new dimension
took a diamond to my heart
signatured a love song there
born of notes
blown free of time
and worries swept away by
forceful wind out
through the window
and now...
a babe is raised
into the thunderous air
gasping in the atmosphere
of a new reality.........
so am I

         Lightning Play

Come play in the lightning
up the Most High thunder-flash stairs,
back stroke in the soupy fire
shoot down blood-fast arteries
dig, smiling in the dirt-crest mantle, drink
big gulps of neon atmosphere
and take in
the whirly-blast song of the night
(chew the dry vitamins of history if you must)
but mostly,
come stand in the light
come live in the love.

My first collection of multi-track music, on cassette, appeared in 1985.
Mostly solo-stuff. A few pieces with friends.
And the tape begins with the first 4-track song, LAUGH.

L to R: cassette cover, cassette tape, liner notes.

                                                     LAUGH (the poem)

                                                         scratch symphonies
                                                         turtle songs by
                                                         tortoise choir
                                                         through subsequent earth
                                                         with melodies made of
                                                         cloud strand and sky fiber.
                                                         trace-jotting harmonics
                                                         through fields of blue
                                                         or the little
                                                         synth-fusion jamboree
                                                         by believer-bugs
                                                         at toadstool keyboards.
                                                         Anthemic blasts from Zion
                                                         to the pulse-rhythms
                                                         of heartbeat time:
                                                         orchestrations of man,
                                                         the universe and the far
                                                         countries of glass...
                                                         see how it all begins
                                                         with a

         D prayer

drowsy don't
me Lord
if You ever did
I'd die, and
shatter into a 
million puzzle pieces
the ones You've taken years
to put together.
But then again,
I know
You never would
drop me


Met my family at the zoo,
let the animals tell their stories
octopus and kangaroo
rhino, lobster, flea
monkey, sloth and bee
spots ascend the neck giraffe
(nothing rhymes except carafe)
stripes wrap pipes around
the zebra
the tortoise took his time
flamingos did their mime
someone said, "Look, an amoeba!"
I didn't turn, but learned
about penguins
dressed for evenings on the ice
and peacocks whose
tails spread paradise
or ostriches who
try to look nice but
I saw the snail
when I met my 
animal family
at the zoo.

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