Selections From
April 1990 to September 1991
Sweet God
God, sweet God,
Father with the
twinkling eyes,
Father of the
Flaming Glory,
God of the
delicate leaf,
Your kiss begins
a baby's heartbeat
Your touch grows
Magnificent fountains
Your blink, and
the Earth falls dark,
Your smile, we
have daylight.
Your love, and
blossom into
shuddering flowers
born up from
histrionic dirt,
ashes washed
clean into
God, sweet God
pull me up from
the ruts of religion,
new-plant me
in the Garden of
All day,
the roaring silence,
Christ is risen from the grave,
Every heart in open anthem
Jesus has the power to save!
Empty lives
like shells, like coffins,
Now lift Life to glowing blaze
Joining in Creation's rapture,
Worship Him with living praise.
Now at night, after the singing
After every word is said,
Joyous song beats on eternal,
Christ is risen from the dead!
He Rose
Folded deep
in the rose, where
nobody knows
where no beetle goes
folded flannel
in burgundy-red,
curl rich velvets,
layered tongue
finer than silk
redder than scarlet
darker than blood,
here hides the
shrouded agloria,
as silent as
fine-folded tomb clothing,
roaring with the truth
spilled like boulders
from the cave,
He is Risen,
Prints Along
I want to follow You,
Down the woody-wooden path,
The places You will go,
will be
the places I will go,
The things You see and do
the things I see and do,
Galilee and me,
prints in
Eastern/Western sand,
I w a n t t o f o l l o w Y o u .
Put Your prints along
the places of this day,
so I can
follow You.
Fun stuff from my first radio show, FunLight Radio.
176 episodes flew out to over 100 affiliates from 1989 to 1999.
176 episodes flew out to over 100 affiliates from 1989 to 1999.
One ant
across the bathroom tile
100 more ants,
along the underside
of the floor,
working their way
Where's the little-boy
I used to be?
Inside of me,
Inside of me!
Buried deep in
a depth of days,
a million lines
a million ways.
He's playing in
another time,
down streets
past lamps I
left behind.
Still he lives
and still he plays
and boards the bus
for outer space.
Sometimes I feel
I'm adult--that's all,
until my thoughts
stray down the hall
back in the rows
of books in box
or dialing Kirk for
boyhood talks.
'Tis then I find
the smaller me,
like a wealth of
roots beneath a tree.
And looking down,
I find, sublime,
my younger self
freeze-locked in time.
My little-me,
I love, I keep,
we both grab pillows
and go to sleep.
So old, so young,
I both shall be:
My past is present
inside of me!
Along the way a clam will smile,
And open his mouth to swallow a trial.
A thousand days below the sea,
The Spirit works dark mystery.
An oyster opens his iron jaw,
Pulls inside him a pestering flaw.
The clam, the oyster drinks into shell,
A rock, a pebble -- who can tell?
A million chewings, an epoch of time,
the rock is rolled in sullen slime.
The clam is careful to coat the stone,
A holy wrapping of flesh on bone.
A spot of sand, a dot of silt,
gradually sewn a sweater of silk.
The trial is smothered in tongue, in touch,
embraced, accepted, loved twice as much.
Until years later, the fisherman's knife,
Will pry from the oyster this swallowed strife.
With crack of jaw does the tongue unfurl
The gift of death, a shining pearl.
Now sin, the stone, and belief the knife,
Our Christ has swallowed death in Life.
New Life abounds for every boy and girl,
Open your heart and receive the Pearl.
Old Spice
Every morning after a shave,
I turn to take the tapered flask
And pull up the scented cork
To remember my father's task.
'Twas years ago, as boy of five,
I'd crane my neck and stretch to see
The sliding shaver upon his skin,
Four feet on floor, my Dad n' me.
The electric hum along his cheek,
The softened glow of window light,
That filtered through the rippled glass
To make the morning rich and right.
After the buzz-box snapped into case,
The mirror closed in a moment's flash.
The bottle would leave the lofty shelf,
The liquid to smack his face with a splash.
'Twas years ago, my storybook past,
I'd feel his face soft, clean and nice.
and breathe the fragrance I carry today,
I proudly wear my Dad's Old Spice.
Back to simple,
Back to free,
Back to one
And two and three.
Back to Father
Come back to love,
Back to resting
Hand in glove.
Leave the tremor
The quake behind,
Come roll the slopes
of tranquil mind.
God is calling
Be silent, be still,
Come shoeless and quiet
to the cross on the hill.
Come lay back
Under windless breath,
trade peace and life
for strife and death.
I climbed
my dream
to the
tallest tree,
I climbed
a ladder,
my mind
'till higher
space or
I climbed
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