Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Selections From 
November 2006 to October 2009


Bathing in the fluorescent shadow
     of Walt Disney.

He breathed in dream-breath,
     breathed out stories and laughter,
     while filling his own lungs with soot.
The chimney sweeps covered in char,
     danced across the starry rooftops,
     Walt's lungs blackening unnoticed,
     here he comes, coughing in the hallway.

Flicker-lines, cel sheets, storyboards
     Mickey, Donald, Pluto, Goofy, Poppins,
Dean Jones and Fred McMurray,
     Walt commanding to see the pictures first
     Walt, demanding a better tunnel for his
     personal choo-choo train, rollicking
     through his front and back yards.

Gulping in world-sized dream oceans
    flavoring every drop, 
    grinning at set-backs, surprises,
    pages and pages of rewriting.
    Stopping the train for friends along the way.

Walt meets Bradbury at Saks
While Roddy plays Lost In Space.
Disneyland lands and faces shine,
"Come on everybody, here we go!"
I ride the ride, starry-eyed, flying with Peter and Wendy
    high over London, Big Ben chiming our names
While Walt walks his final steps...
    coughing in the hallway...
    years later
I Waltz into the evening
    of my life,
Or simply take my shower
in the fluorescent rainfall shadow
     of Walter (Water) Disney.

Peter Pan's Flight at Disneyland


Behold the fuzzy, furry, foamy
shapes that move around
 in light.

Crisp, blinding stage-light.
Soft neon library light.
Clinical hospital light.
Noisy, wiggly churchroom light.
Camplight, daylight,
and Laughter-flight.

Or when the stage collapsed,
or a puppet head popped off 
and rolled into the crowd,
or the mic screeched a whine,
or a thousand mistakes
(all of them mine).

As long as one child-face gave a smile
or a big-face tilted her head,
even the whole room burst out
with giggles and guffaws,
or in silence, 
a dear-heart, bandaged face
sparked a twinkle in deep-thoughts,
It was everything
I could ever ask for
in the great, grand scheme of life.

And without pride,
but some satisfaction,
how I made everybody happy
with the movement of my hands
and fingers.

         IN PAIN

everyday enemy:
She lives in
pounding, piercing,
perpetual pain.
From child-years to adult.
Medicine makes it worse.
The Suicide Disease.
     "End this pain, dear God,
     or end my life."
Ruth, her mother
does not feel the pain
in her body, she shares
the pain in soul and spirit,
a mother's pain-free, pain-filled

Pray for Debbie. Pray.
     Debbie's pain could be yours,
     should be mine instead of hers.
Pray for Debbie. Pray and pray.
Debbie who lives
in Arlington
Debbie who lives in Christ
Debbie who lives
in pain.

         WAVE WORDS

Wave is a word for a mound of water that glides,
Turning foamy and white as it crests with tides.
A wave tumbles in bubbles, explodes with a crash,
Another bright word: we call this a splash.

The color of ocean, is it clear, blue or green?
Or a thousand new colors you never have seen?
What to call the crawler with pinch-claws that grab?
Just hope that your foot never steps on a crab!

The shoreline is birthplace for praise-sparkled psalms,
Born in the sand dunes, the kelp-weed and palms.
Step down the boardwalk to a beach wonder land,
Where God signs His name in the cool morning sand.


Way up in the over-arching sky,
One great coastline of cloud,
one ribboning edge of silvery-white,
a flat-surface cloud, an observation deck, formed of fluff, with
angels standing up there, at the rim.
Looking down, one angel spotted me,
sitting here in beach-sand,
struck by the morning's first shaft of light,
(warmingly brilliant, already fading) and
"Look," said the angel, pointing, "there's Rod!"
I looked up,
but the clouds had melted to a 
different formation
the angels were gone.
I think.


Dark sky, bright beach,
moods of gloom and singsong:
storm then sunshine then storm
and with the storm: music!

Water-mallets playing rain patterns
                 on the bent-over branches
                        of palm trees.

Water-drummers thwapping a beat
         on trash plastic cans,
         tittling a riff in pool water,
         hush-brushing a
         complimentary pattern in sand
         dropletting the hoods of all the cars.

Melodies in minor keys,
        plucketing everywhere.

We huddle inside, in hubbub of talk
        and clinkle of coffee cups, as
the Lord of the weather
Drums the world with rain.


The guiders, the gliders, sweet slip 'n sliders,
Calm Swim-Besiders,
water-wet, shiny and grey,
Dolphins at play,
surface in a graceful arc
and without a splash, slipping back below,
shadows in the aqua green.

Dolphins today, with a splort of
      air, sweet glance from a 
             marble-black eye,
Dolphins came to guide our
      wave-runners back to the harbor.

Sleek, stunning, sculptural,
Animals of style, grace and speed,
Funny, in a fishy sort of way,
banana-shaped, smiles, swimming
in the bay water.
We ran with the dolphins today.


Me and BPB,
in the surf and the splash
riding a rush of foam
from the crash to the tingle
boogie boarding buddies
shoulder to shoulder,
Thank You, Lord.

Me sees JKB
across the table at the restaurant
He is sports a musical smile,
savoring and commenting, tossed hair,
a-glide in graces,
aglow in conversation,
Thank You, Lord.

JNB, poked by me, I stop
to see her slender fingers in air
wistful, wonder-fresh, girling,
swirling in her enthusiasms,
a palm frond, stretched out on a pool-chair for sun,
a tulip, running...a rose, unfolding,
Thank You, Lord.


You enter the room
Blue-sparkle beachwater eyes,
Hair, dark waves cresting, you:
Flashing like a diamond in velvet
or that one star, all twinkle,
against the black of night.

Every molecule turns to see you
Sea gulls are shamed, crabs slip in shells,
dolphins submerge, the ocean stands still,
You catch the light
and steal the beautiful from Earth,
a brilliance
from above, and beyond,
all this
when you
enter the room.

         LIGHT streaming

Light, morning light,
paints the palms
floods through windows
bright-striping the carpet
checkering the bedspread
changing the carefully chosen
          colors of paint on the houses
igniting the sky to
a sight-searing white
impossible to face without
covering the face.

Light, glory light,
a symphonic loudness
in the realm of visual music
streams over the everythings,
plunging some into black-coral shadow
others into colors gold-yellow blaze 
all of this a shadow
the final sunrise.


Nineteen seagulls,
their bird-feet in beach sand,
digging beaks into feathers
preening and grooming, stroking and poking,
a double-flick of the bird head
accomplishing who-knows-what.

One gull prances to the back of
       the flock, turns to face his back-feathers, 
                                                                         and stabs away.
One gull up-flutters his wings
and quickly
tucks them back in.

Another gull steps forward five paces
                                          and stops, then takes two
                                               more steps forward, and stops.

A new gull swoops in, landing carefully
amidst the clan, the wave-watchers.

Another arrives, glides, lands, flutters wings,
       preens, pokes, picks, looks around, perhaps

Twenty-one seagulls pay no attention
to the deep roar of the F-15 ripping
through the atmosphere, invisible above the clouds.

Under the same clouds, a seagull flies,
equally aerodynamic, excelling in splendor.


We leave the beach, the gulls, the surf,
     the flora, the fauna, tide and turf.
To castles of sand, we say good-bye,
     we leave the land, we climb the sky.

A House in The Sky

My feathers prepared me
a house in the sky:

elevated from ground-level,
clouds in every window,
a garden? an air-garden
plus a porch with
a view and a
deadly drop
(unless you're covered with feathers
and wings).

My white-painted birdhouse
on a chair-leg baluster
perching me heavenward, high
high up, washed in the 
wonderful breezes!


Punch through, punch through,
The walls are paper, bamboo,
Not granite, as you've heard,
in the noisy shrieks of birds.

Or thick metal to resist
Prayer's battering-ram fist.
Sing out sharpened swords,
Demons scamper in hoards.

Slice dimensions in half,
With thy rod and thy staff.
In God's armor, attack!
Rope the earth, seize it back!


Here she comes.
Here she still comes.
Still coming...
Very slowly.
Small, careful steps, in
     tender shoes.
Eighty-nine years old.

Mertyl J. Fairweather:
Prayer Warrior.
Spiritual tiger queen.
The unceasing

Hell quivers and quakes,
Creatures fall to the floor,
Here comes Mertyl,
And that means war.


The walrus shirks his shoulders,
his mustache bristles,
then he winks
with a smile.

"I will help you," he whispers.
"I already have a plan."


Mr. Carden, I noticed,
You left your costume in the car.
In the front seat, at the driver's wheel,
all nice and neat, and now, unnecessary.

The play is over,
And the Great Play begun.

You heard the call, you
passed the audition, you
saw your name on the cast list for the 
Performance Beyond Time,
The Never-Stop, Over-The-Top Show Topper,
in the Throne Room
of the Golden Castle Playhouse.

They had your new costume,
waiting at the door.

Mr. Carden, gentle man, I remember you,
yelling from the dark auditorium,
"Project! Project!"
How funny.
You projected. Then disconnected.
Then, reconnected: resurrected.

The play is over,
And the Great Play begun.

Mr. Carden, my favorite teacher,
I came to you slipping and sliding,
bad at sports, great at faces.
You sent me forth gliding, and firmly deciding,
exciting my call to be funny forever.

Thank you, Mr. Carden,
Bill Carden, William F. Carden,
speaker, actor, teacher, director, 
destiny-into-cadet injector.

Your signature is ever lifted in
the smell of the grease-paint,
Your smile, a soft echo
in the roar of the crowd.

Your life-work, ever blazing,
in lights and curtains raising,
and now, at curtain's closing,
You join the chorus, ever praising.

The Earth-play is over,
And the Great Play begun.

Good night, Mr. Carden.

I miss you, Mr. Carden.

We'll put your costume in the trunk.
And see you in the morning. 

(NOTE: While Mr. Carden was teaching at Army Navy Academy, he ran a shop called The Costume Trunk.)

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