Rough it in,
Punch it up,
Knock it out.
This is writing.
Found me in my sullen troll-cave
lighting a candle that light-spoded like
a symphony-sun.
Illuminating tattered questions:
Why trade the mirror for the window?
Embrace a fear to find a vapor?
Dwell upon shadows rather than reality?
And now I remember, how often I forget:
Always the more.
Never the less.
Big Sky
Blue between the billowing
Cotton-torn pillows,
Oh so white-white in the
Big Sky
Under such an everywhere,
Dwarfing my anti-berry car machine,
As I titter along, miniscule, under the
Big Big
Big Sky.
Stop motion,
Go motion.
Drop by drop
You paint an ocean.
Many years later,
What did you prove?
A lifetime spent dripping drops
Can make an ocean move.
So from Gumby to Goliath to Gromit,
My friends live by gentle jerks.
Smiles, laughter and applausing proves
That animation works!